
A better password input field

Complexity requirements are useless

First of all, let’s have a look at some statistics:

  • 77% of passwords containing a single digit append it to the end of their password. 10% of the time, it will be a “1”.
  • 35% of passwords requiring a capital letter will capitalize the first letter.
  • 89% of 7-character long alpha strings can be targeted by either capitalizing the first character or capitalizing the whole string.
  • 61% of passwords are the exact length of the minimum length set in the password policy.
  • Common substitutions (a = @, i = !, s = $) are baked into password cracking rule-sets.

Creating a strong password

  • Think “passphrase” intead of “password”. Five random words separated by special characters is hard for computers but still easy to remember.
  • Avoid “password walking”, password with adjacent keyboard characters (e.g. “qwerty”, “asdfghjkl”, “zxcvbnm1234”)
  • At the very least, your e-mail password should be extremely strong and unique.
  • Ideally, you should be using a different password for every website. Find creative ways to include the name of the website.
  • Best of all, use a password manager. We are big fans of Bitwarden.
  • SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) is better than nothing but is vastly inferior to other forms of 2FA and MFA.
  • Use a hardware key. Solokeys are amazing. You plug it to your computer and your browser will ask you to press the button to log in.

Product UX

How can we create a good user experience and enforce strong passwords?

  • Don’t Enforce complexity. As we saw earlier, complexity requirements don’t increase password strengh. They only reduce the user experience.
  • Don’t make passwords expire. Password expiration has a negative impact on usability. Users change their passwords in predictable patterns (password1 -> password2 -> password3). Only require a password change if it has been compromised.
  • Don’t block copy/paste. Some products prevent users from pasting passwords. They want to force their users to type their password regularly so they don’t forget it. But it comes at a significant cost. They can’t use their password manager, the most secure option by far.

Odds are that you will annoy your users more than you will help them.

  • Do respect semantics and standard practices. Name your field “password”, not “user_password” or “app_pwd”.
  • Do check user passwords against a list of common or compromised passwords.
  • Do enforce 2FA on sign up.
  • Do provide the “Remember me” option.
  • Do reduce sessions’ lifespan. But renew it with each session. Users will be logged out if they don’t use the app within x days.

Read more and sources

The father of password rules is sorry for wasting your time

Testing Metrics for Password Creation Policies by Attacking Large Sets of Revealed Passwords

Beyond Password Length and Complexity

GitHub accounts targeted in password reuse attack

Why you should use a password manager